Sunday, March 7, 2010

When God Shows Up...

This morning in Sunday School, we were in Exodus 2 and the first part of 3. The lesson was about God showing up and using us when we didn't even realize we were in a place to be used. Here's what I thought was so cool...

At the end of chapter 2, specifically verses 23-25, we see the Israelites crying out to God. They were "groaning in their slavery" and their cry for help rose to the Father. God heard their cry and his heart hurt for them. (Sometimes we forget that God has emotions too.) He looked on them with concern. He wanted to help them.
Alright, so get this. The VERY next verse, which is the beginning of chapter 3, starts out with, "Now Moses...." We go from a problem right to the solution. It gives Moses' location and then says that an angel appeared to Moses then the Lord spoke to him. He tells Moses that he has seen his people suffering (Actually, they're Moses' people too) and that Moses is going to go speak to Pharaoh and take care of this situation. At first Moses is like, "No sir, I'm not the man for this job. I just tend sheep!" (God liked those sheep tenders...) It was true! By man's standards, Moses was the least qualified for this job. He was wanted in Egypt and had run away as a young man after killing a guard. He wasn't eloquent in speech and he certainly didn't have a lot of faith. But God gives him the confidence and the signs he needs to believe in God and in himself. Still, Moses keeps making excuses... "I can't speak well!" God sets him straight by saying "I made your mouth! So go to Pharaoh and I'll teach you what to say."

Two things I've been thinking on today... First, when we ask for help in a certain situation, God may send someone not entirely qualified by our standards. When you ask for help, don't expect the angels to come blasting down from heaven to rescue you. Look for it in the least of us.

Second, when God assigns us a task that we think we can't do, or we haven't ever done, or we're scared to do, guess what? He doesn't care what you think. Lol. He made you for goodness sake. He knows what you're capable of doing and saying and making and teaching and learning and accomplishing. He knows you better than you know yourself. And guess what again? If you can't, he's going to teach you how. If he's chosen you for a task, or to touch someone's life, or to make a difference in those around you, he'll equip you to do it. You may not look like a superstar to some, but if you have faith that God will see you through and that he'll show up in your life, you will be blessed beyond belief.

So, what to take away from these ramblings? Don't fear what God has for you and what he wants you to do. You should be excited when he chooses you to do something marvelous and world changing. Oh yeah, and when you ask for help, don't decide beforehand where it's going to come from. You'll probably be surprised.


<3 Sally


  1. (YES, finally I can read this)

    This post made me go back to that story about Moses. I love this story and you really presented it well. I must admit I loved you put "Lol" in this blog-post. It made me crack up. hahaha.

    I think that God is more likely to use us when we are extremely unsure of our own abilities. That gives room for Him to come in and completely empower us through his grace and glory.

  2. That is so true! I never thought about it that way, but that is so true! If we were capable of doing it in the first place, it's easier to take credit ourselves. Good point.

    Oh, and I had to really look for that "lol." I didn't even remember typing it! ;-)
